About Momentum

Why Momentum?

Momentum grew from a deep desire for men to be with other men. 

We hear from men as they arrive, “I have a lot of women in my life, but few real male friends.” Or, “The only guys I hang with are at work or through sports, and that’s all we talk about.” Or, “I have a great family, a good career, my life is ok, but I keep wondering, what now?” 

There are not a lot of places men can go for the kind of eye-to-eye camaraderie mixed with personal growth and support that we have in Momentum. 

What does Momentum do?

Momentum offers a place where you can be a man among men, where can you find and build relationships based on absolute authenticity and trust.

We sponsor a range of personal growth programs, to support men to be their best. Many of our men are on teams, which meet weekly and provide a consistent opportunity for support and fellowship. Many, many of our men have been in the closest of friendships for years, or decades. 

Our history

John Peterson, Bill Burton, and a few dozen men met over pool and port in 1991. They had been part of a small men’s community in the San Francisco Bay Area and missed the ongoing company of other men. Together, the men formed a new organization, the Nation of Men, to support men and teams. It would deliver a unique combination of support, personal growth, and camaraderie. 

In 2015, the name changed to Momentum, but our goals remained the same: Momentum is a community of men who support each other to be our best. 

Our members carry the heritage of many backgrounds, with men from the Sterling Men’s Weekend, the New Warrior (Mankind Project) training, Better Men, and many other groups, as well as many who have no such programs in their past. 

Momentum today

Momentum is now a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization based near San Jose, California, with hundreds of members all over the country. We have no religious or political affiliation. We meet in-person in San Jose and host a monthly remote meeting. 

Our purpose remains the same as it was when we were founded in 1991: To provide deep, authentic relationships and camaraderie, support, and growth.

No matter what your background, if you’re a man over 18, we welcome you to join us.

Chief’s Council

  • John Mansperger

    President/Lead Chief

    Member of Momentum since 1991.  Completed Sterling Men’s Weekend in 1991 and Mankind Project’s New Warrior Training Adventure in 1996.  John has been on men’s teams for over thirty years, is happily married and the father of two.

  • Steve Peters

    Secretary / Marketing / Communications

    Steve joined Momentum in 2021, during a transformative period in his life following the end of his second marriage. Seeking more fulfillment and personal growth, he stepped into new roles within the organization. He now serves as secretary on the board of directors, part of the marketing team and editor of Momentum’s monthly newsletter, Arrowhead.

  • Jeff Klay


    Jeff joined Momentum in 2018, seeking connections beyond his work life as he approached retirement after a 42-year career in telecommunications. With support from his Momentum teammates, he achieved his goals of retirement, marriage, and buying a home in Sonora, CA. He maintains a strong presence in the Momentum online community, serving on the Council of Chiefs, the online Tempo Team, Team Express, and as Treasurer.

  • Éamon Rooney


    Eamon joined Momentum in 2016 and recently joined the Board of Directors, serving in the capacity of president. Eamon wants to help build Momentum into an organization that can serve future generations with ever more effective programs to help men unleash their untapped potential.

  • Steve Reinheimer


    Originally joining Momentum in 1992. Men's work has helped him manage the joys and bumps in life including marriage, a successful divorce, pursuing a major change in career, and moving cross country to eventually rediscover the Momentum community online during Covid. He has become a man he didn't even know he wanted to be, and wants to help men to achieve their own known and unknown dreams.

The Values We Practice

  • Connection

    Momentum men create deep, long-lasting friendships built on integrity, trust and authenticity. These friendships provide a unique level of connection and camaraderie and often last a lifetime.

  • Growth

    We strive to become the men we want to be, while also helping our brothers along their journey. We have extensive tools and practices – mental, physical, emotional and spiritual – for supporting each other to become our best selves.

  • Support

    Momentum men support each other, our families and our community. Our support embodies compassion, vulnerability, and trust, but also rigorous honesty, even when our truth is difficult to say, or hear.

Momentum’s Standards That Define Momentum Men

• Follow your passion.
• Speak your truth.
• Embrace all men.
• Honor women.
• Be an example to children.

• Keep your word.
• Maintain confidentiality.
• Honor your commitments.
• Start and end on time.
• Have fun.

Momentum Embraces All Men

Momentum is a community of men committed to fostering and maintaining a safe place for men.

Momentum embraces and supports all men regardless of ethnicity, age, income level, sexuality, birth gender, politics, religion, disability, size, shape, and any other factors that may separate men from one another. All men are welcome.

We welcome any and all ideas and beliefs. Our commitment means that our differences drive our need and desire to be inclusive, respectful of each other and that we take seriously our social, professional, ethical and legal responsibilities to honor each other’s right to be different.

Your Generous Donation Will Help Us Reach More Men.

Momentum is a non-profit* volunteer organization whose mission is to help men learn how to make positive changes in their lives. We are not a 12 step, we are non-denominational and open to any man wishing to make positive changes in his life.

Momentum is grateful for the support of Sogolytics who enables the organization to survey members.

Provided by Sogolytics